medlinks staffing, hedis, medical, healthcare


At Medlinks Staffing, our mission goes beyond filling job vacancies; it's about matching employers and staff with the right person at the right PAY RATE. Founded by Chris and Lora Baggott, our company is dedicated to cost containment and ensuring fair compensation for all parties involved.

We firmly believe that addressing the issue of fair pay is paramount. While other factors are important in job satisfaction, the bottom line is ensuring that the job adequately covers living expenses. When addressing this fundamental aspect, many other important factors retain their significance. We understand that taking a job that doesn't pay the bills leads to dissatisfaction and stress, ultimately resulting in poor performance and a negative representation of Medlinks Staffing.

In the staffing industry, profitability is often prioritized, sometimes at the expense of considering individual needs. Many companies offer candidates the bare minimum pay rate, starting the employment relationship on the wrong foot. We reject this short-sighted approach, recognizing that prioritizing fair compensation fosters better performance and a positive working environment.

Despite drawing talent from similar sources, we differentiate ourselves through our commitment to fair pay. We understand that willingness to adjust our profit margins in favor of fair compensation is our unique tool in the staffing game. Our integrity recognizes that each matters and deserves fair compensation for their skills and contributions.

At Medlinks Staffing, we are dedicated to upholding our values of integrity and fairness. We strive to create mutually beneficial relationships between employers and staff, ensuring everyone's needs are met. Choose Medlinks Staffing for a partner that prioritizes your well-being and recognizes your worth.